Netizens correctly identify 2/3 of the propofol suspects

Article: Propofol suspect... actress Lee Seung Yeon summoned for investigation

Source: Herald News via Nate

Read previous article here.

1. [+98, -10] And just when I thought she was fixing her image with 'Women of 100'

2. [+89, -3] Wow~~~ That means the netizen investigations got 2 out of the 3 right so far... Several netizens had also said Jang Mi In Ae instead of Cho Hye Ryun and then they just went with Jang Mi In Ae in the end. Netizens are seriously no joke these days... (TN: The only one left now is 'H', who netizens think is Hyun Young.)

3. [+91, -12] First the comfort women scandal and now propofol too?... (TN: Several years ago, Lee Seung Yeon was in a huge scandal because she carried out a nude pictorial idea where she modeled herself as a comfort woman. When questioned why she would ever try to sexualize/glamorize rape and a national tragedy, she said she wanted to raise awareness for the issues surrounding Dokdo and offered to donate all proceeds from the nude pictorial to comfort women organizations.)
